What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and why is important

SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization. It refers to the process of making sure that your webpage rank higher in search engine results by improving your site traffic from free or natural search results.

Higher visibility is usually related to higher traffic and higher opportunities to convert prospects into customers, so making sure that your webpage is gaining traction and is not located in the second page of Google or below is critical.

Let's discuss some concepts that are critical to achieve a great SEO for your webpage.


The first part and most important part for a successful SEO strategy is to define the keywords that you are planning to include; you need to think what keywords potential customers might use to find your webpage and use them to drive traffic to it.

The best approach is to think what are the key attributes that you would like to highlight for your webpage and think about words or combinations of words that are usually related to that concept too.

Shorter keywords are usually more competitive and preferred by customers so you might face tougher competition from current webpages but you can get an edge from long-tail keywords and longer keywords.


Search engines take in consideration the quality of the content that is posted in your webpage; be aware that posting only keywords without adding any content will not help your webpage to increase the ranking of your webpage.

Additionally, search engines can detect if your content is originally or has been copied from other webpages, so creating content that adds value and can educate your customers is always a great choice.

Social media:

Social media can be a great way of driving traffic to your webpage, display content and engage potential customers and it is always a great idea to cross-link all different platforms.

Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook have changed the way that customers engage with each others and have developed new concepts such as e-commerce stores.

Concepts as YouTubers, Instagrammers and TikTokers have emerged and have completely changed the landscape for social media and the way that people could develop an e-commerce store or even create viral content.

Influencers can be the best way to drive traffic to your webpage and increase your visibility and credibility.


More and more customers are not looking at your content but the pictures that you have posted in your webpage, so making sure that you have good pictures that reflect well your branding and add value is really important.

If you also have an e-commerce store is even more important to invest time in creating good visual content as people usually don't spend a long amount of time reading content but a great picture can make a difference.

It is also important to add tags to the pictures and add keywords to make sure that those pictures would rank well in the search engines.

Meta tags for your page's title:

Choosing wisely the slug's name for any webpage is key to properly position your webpage; any additional pages that you create (subdomains) should include keywords that would reflect what is going to be described there.

Sometimes could be difficult to find a great url name as good domains are currently bought or not available, but if possible find one that would not be extremely long and would include some keywords.

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